Corona, an Invisible Gaol
Today, the global epidemic Novel Corona (Covid 19) has been spreading around the world since January. And its impact in Bangladesh started from mid-March. Since the beginning of this corona, people have been unemployed, under house arrest and public life has come to a standstill. In contrast, nature is free-spirited and independent.
These kind of pendemic come to earth every hundred years. People are under house arrest today, unable to get out of their homes despite their wishes, not being able to move independently.
As a result, many are becoming depressed and mentally ill.
The virus has spread to different countries, being highly contagious, it is getting infected quickly and in large quantities. At the same time, the death rate is increasing by millions. People are not able to go out freely even though they want to, What an invisible gaol held them captive.
It should have been good in one sense. We (humans) went belly cruel with nature. In return, Corona give nature as peace and our capture as punishment.
No one knows how long this situation will last. The only way we can get out now is through the roof. It is for this roof that we are still much healthier and stronger in mentally. Many of us might have been toggled if we hadn’t come to this roof. So everyone should not heat their head in this corona and do all the necessary work to keep the body healthy.
We oppress nature and wildlife a lot. So those who are free and we are prisoners. Now everyone is away from everyone, everyone is afraid of death all the time. This virus has a property that can change genes quickly, So no specific antidote is going to be made. It is thought that it will take a long time for the virus to be eradicated from the face of the earth.
So we should all repent of our deeds and pray to the great Creator.